Systemic (ascendent/descendent), preventive-curative.
Control of Oomicetes fungi (ficomicetes).
Crops: asparagus, coffee, onion, garlic, tobacco, strawberry, blackberry, lettuce, raspberry, watermelon, celery, young pumpkin, cabbage, spinach, cucumber, potato, tomato, pineapple, avocado, grapes, broccoli, rubber, melon, cauliflower, citrus, ornamental.
It interferes with the transport of phosphorus in the fungus physiology. In addition, it indirectly stimulates the synthesis of phenolic and phytoalexins compounds, components of the immunological system of the plants.
Dose: 0.6 – 0.8 kg/acre (500 grams/200 liters of water), 3-6 grams/lt of mixture (2-3 Bayer cups/16 liters pump).
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