Spanish Lookout Commercial/Industrial Expo 2022
Posted on by Belagro
The Spanish Lookout Commercial/Industrial Expo was held on Friday and Saturday March 25 and 26, 2022 from 9:00am – 5:00pm at Countryside Park in Spanish Lookout, Cayo District.
This bi-annual event was organized by the Spanish Lookout Business Community. Belagro was a key promotional partner.
This event highlighted a variety of exhibitions, attractions, and food!
The total amount of visitors for both Friday and Saturday were an estimated 27,000. Certainly, much higher than the one in 2020.
BEL-AGRO’s participation at this show is never for profit, but more to reach out to the wider Belizean community to let them know about BELAGRO and give back in some small way to the Belizean agriculture sector.